Paintball Equipment
Nationwide Paintball provides each player with only the safest, cleanest and best quality paintball equipment that commercial paintballing can offer. Every player receives:
Nationwide Paintball provides the best and latest in semi-automatic paintball guns, more commonly referred to in the industry as markers. Markers such as the The Inferno MkII are amazingly accurate, lightweight and easy to operate (different venues may supply patrons with different markers on game day).

As with all outdoor adventure sports safety of those participating is of prime importance, and in the sport of paintball there is no piece of safety equipment more important than good reliable helmets / facemasks / goggles. The best paintball operators supply their players with full head helmets and goggles for maximum protection (Make sure when you are making your booking to ask our operators to see if your venue will supply you with these).
Masks should be lightweight and comfortable to allow the most enjoyment while you are on the paintball field.
All paintball venues will issue you with some kind of protective suits for while you are playing. The best suits are always freshly laundered and offer additional padding in places like the neck and chest. Sizes generally range from XS right through to XXXL.

While not available at every paintball centre, keen operators offer protective body armour at no extra cost to customers who want it. In paintball body armour plastic plates are woven into a custom designed, fully ventilated mesh waistcoat which keep your upper torso protected while retaining flexibility.
These waist mounted ammunition holders allow paintballers to carry up to an additional 400 paintballs into each game of paintball.

Nationwide Paintball provides the best and latest in semi-automatic paintball guns, more commonly referred to in the industry as markers. Markers such as the The Inferno MkII are amazingly accurate, lightweight and easy to operate (different venues may supply patrons with different markers on game day).

As with all outdoor adventure sports safety of those participating is of prime importance, and in the sport of paintball there is no piece of safety equipment more important than good reliable helmets / facemasks / goggles. The best paintball operators supply their players with full head helmets and goggles for maximum protection (Make sure when you are making your booking to ask our operators to see if your venue will supply you with these).
Masks should be lightweight and comfortable to allow the most enjoyment while you are on the paintball field.

All paintball venues will issue you with some kind of protective suits for while you are playing. The best suits are always freshly laundered and offer additional padding in places like the neck and chest. Sizes generally range from XS right through to XXXL.

While not available at every paintball centre, keen operators offer protective body armour at no extra cost to customers who want it. In paintball body armour plastic plates are woven into a custom designed, fully ventilated mesh waistcoat which keep your upper torso protected while retaining flexibility.

These waist mounted ammunition holders allow paintballers to carry up to an additional 400 paintballs into each game of paintball.